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Our prototype is intended to have a significant effect on how children think. It is not just about teaching the children, it is about allowing them to learn unconsciously without even knowing. We came up with the ‘subtle approach’. The video attached at the bottom of the page can be played for the children without them even knowing. It is not forced upon them but their curiosity will draw them in. They can look at this video and make their own discussion/ share opinions. The point of this all to not force them in anything. They don’t have to look at the video if they don’t want to. Not force them in a classroom with a teacher. Of course we depend on extra supervisors in the canteen to observe the reactions.The video will be shown and after a few weeks there will be another ‘subtle approach’. This can be everything. A painting, a drama group maybe a song ( Lady Gaga- Born this way). After a while the first movie will be shown again. You’ll get a schedule like this.

















The last point is the question cards. At the end of the year there will be one or two lessons about this subject. The teacher can use ‘Questioncard’.

Each card has his own question. You can use one or two cards per lesson. All the children will get the same question en need to give answer at this in a ‘creative way’. ‘You wanted to be subtle, talking about the subject this way is not subtle’It is about the realization process. That process will be subtle in the way we described earlier.





The Subtle Approach


The Way Forward



Through the questioncards children are given the opportunity to express their feelings and thoughts. After they’ve got a question from the teacher, they will give the answer through a poster, poem, song or roleplaying. They are placed in groups of four, which the teachers decide. This way there will be different students in a group. The students will come to a mutual agreement about what to make after exchanging and expressing their point of view and feelings concerning the question.The teacher can observe and see different reactions of the students.We also would like to see the teachers get into the opinions of the students and try to understand why students think the way they think. Ask as much as they can at the students. In order to get a better understanding from your students, you should understand them as well.

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